Western New York
Contact Information
- Section Name:
- Western New York
- Contact:
- Scott Bauer W2LC
- Daytime Phone:
- (315) 430-6368
- Evening Phone:
- (315) 430-6368
- Email:
- W2LC@arrl.org
Basic Information
- Division:
- Atlantic
- Description:
I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the cold weather and snow.
Nice to work some of you in the 10 meter contest in December. We are at the peak of the sunspot cycle and 10 meter conditions have been excellent! Now is the time to get on 10 meters and enjoy the worldwide propagation.
Have a safe and heathy holiday season and new year! I hope to hear you on the air and see you at a hamfest in 2025!
To contact me please use the following email W2LC@twcny.rr.com When email forwarding is working again I'll post that here.
73 Scott W2LC
Western New York Officials
Public Info Coordinator
Edward A. Gutowski W2GUT -
Section Manager
Scott J. Bauer W2LC -
Section Emergency Coordinator,
Joseph M. Tedesco KC2DKP
Assistant Section Manager -
Section Traffic Manager
Matthew D. Brown K2EAG -
Assistant Section Manager
Laura Mueller N2LJM -
Assistant Section Manager
Donald W. Rankins N2ZWO -
Assistant Section Manager
Tom L. Delasin WA2DAD -
Affiliated Club Coordinator
Luke Calianno N2GDU -
Assistant Section Manager
Ev Tupis W2EV -
Assistant Section Manager
Mike Johnson N2WKT -
Assistant Section Manager
Raymond M. Feness K2RMF -
Assistant Section Manager
Richard C. Sparling K2EY -
Section Youth Coordinator
Keith P. Oliver KZ4DQ -
Technical Coordinator
William K. Hibbert WB2VUO