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Ham radio is more than just a way to talk to other people; you can use it as part of a lot of cool projects. Whether you’re sending something to space, launching a balloon around the world, or remotely commanding and controlling a robot, ham radio serves as a valuable system. There’s something for everyone!  Interest in the hobby spans generations and looks great on job and school applications. (Did we mention there are college scholarships for students using ham radio in school classes and clubs?)

Take a look at some cool STEM activities that use Amateur Radio.SI students homemade antennaXX.jpg


Ham Radio Balloons

Sending something to space is hard. Sending something around the world, though, is super easy thanks to ham radio. Ham Radio operators from around the world put small ham radios on party balloons and launch them. These balloons not only get up tens of thousands of feet in the air, they also circumnavigate the globe! 

Take a look at all the ham radio balloons in the air now.

Want to launch your own? Take a look at this guide from K9YO.

Become a Scientist

Have you ever wanted to become a scientist? Don't delay, start doing science now as a Ham Radio Citizen Scientist!

Ham Radio allows anyone with a radio to study Earth's Atmosphere and collect valuable data readings.

Want to get involved? Take a look at what HamSCI is up to. They are the eminent Ham Radio citizen science group.

Ham Radio In Action

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