Calhoun Chickasaw ARC

Contact Information
- Club Name:
- Calhoun Chickasaw ARC
- Call Sign:
- Contact:
- Bobby H. Sanderson
- Daytime Phone:
- (662) 542-8647
- Evening Phone:
- (662) 542-8647
- Email:
Basic Information
- Call Sign:
- Annual Report:
- Dec 19th 2023
- Meeting Time:
- 3rd Monday of each month at 6 PM
- Meeting Place:
- Houston Municipal Airport
- Section:
- MS
- Affiliation Date:
- Aug 07th 2007
- Specialties:
- General Interest, Public Service/Emergency, Repeaters
- Services Offered:
- Mentor, Repeater
- Description:
Previously known as the Sundancer Solar Radio Club, Calhoun-Chickasaw Amateur Radio Club recently changed the name to more accurately reflect the service area of the club. We were originally named for the local solar car race team which has won every national competition entered over many years. The club traces it's beginnings to the solar car's first run across the Australian outback, during which they relied upon amateur radio for communication. SSRC helped the team with training and licensing for that great adventure. The race team has transitioned to other means of communication, but the radio club has continued with mentoring, training, and VE testing. The club maintains a repeater in Houston, MS (146.895, T141.3) and oversees equipment to support various emergency services in the area. CCARC sponsors a gathering of area amateurs each April and September in conjunction with the Flywheel Festival (old engines and tractors) in Houston. The club welcomes all interested persons.
- Links:
- http://
Club Statistics
- Club Members:
- 6
- Voting Members:
- 6
- Voting Licensed Amateur Members:
- 6
- Voting ARRL Members:
- 4
Calhoun Chickasaw ARC Officers
Contact, President, Editor
Bobby H. Sanderson -
Treasurer, Secretary
Gary P. Naron KD5DHO -
Vice President
Franklin G. Hollis W5FGH