Secure Forms on the Website
The security of your information on the ARRL website is extremely important to the League. ARRL has taken steps to encrypt/secure all forms on the site that contain personal or account information by using Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS).This includes the Shopping Cart checkout, the ARRL Donation Form, the site Login form, the Edit your Profile form, and New User registrations.
To verify that a web page is secure, look for the green closed padlock icon near the web address at the top of the browser window.
Beginning in October 2017, the Google Chrome (v 62) web browser will display a “Not Secure” warning when users enter text in a form on an unencrypted/insecure web page (HTTP). (Chrome already marks HTTP pages as “Not secure,” if they have password or credit card fields.). The ARRL website does have numerous user-input forms on the site that are currently not encrypted. These include the site search, license class and exam searches, and several others. These forms do not contain any sensitive information and can be filled out safely, despite the updated warning from Chrome.
ARRL is working toward securing all forms to provide a better visitor experience in the future. Contact the ARRL Circulation Department with any questions or concerns.