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    07/12/2011 | New Section Manager Appointed in West Texas

    Bill Roberts, W5NPR, of Alpine, has been appointed as the Interim West Texas Section Manager as of July 8, 2011. ARRL Membership and Volunteer Programs Manager Dave Patton, NN1N, made the appointment in consultation with ARRL West Gulf Division Director D
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    07/07/2011 | 2011 Second Meeting of the ARRL Board of Directors Set for July 15-16, Agenda Announced

    ARRL policy is made by its Board of Directors. The 15 voting members of the Board are the Directors who are elected by the ARRL members in their respective divisions. The Board meets in January and July, usually in the Hartford area. ARRL members also ele
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    06/30/2011 | Register for Upcoming Webinar on Amateur Radio Response to 2011 Hurricane Season

    The ARRL will host a webinar from 8-9:30 PM (EDT) on July 7 to present information about the 2011 hurricane season and the Amateur Radio response. This webinar was organized by ARRL Directors N3LLR, K5MC, W4OZK and K5RAV. The program will offer presentat
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    06/30/2011 | Space Weather Prediction Center to Continue Broadcasts on WWV and WWVH

    In April 2011, the Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) informed the public that as of September 6, 2011, it would no longer broadcast its geophysical alert message on WWV and WWVH. The ARRL has now learned that the SWPC has changed its mind and will ke
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    06/29/2011 | Meet the ARRL Second Century Campaign Committee

    At the end of April, David W. Brandenburg, K5RQ, of Osprey, Florida, agreed to chair the ARRL Second Century Campaign. This multi-million dollar campaign will focus on building the ARRL Endowment to further secure resources to fund the League’s commitment
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    06/29/2011 | There’s Still More to Do for ARRL Field Day!

    The radios, antennas and the food might be put away after ARRL Field Day 2011, but there is still plenty of work to do to close the books on this annual operating extravaganza. According to ARRL Field Day Manager Dan Henderson, N1ND, the fun may be over,
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    06/24/2011 | ARRL Survey Underway

    The ARRL has asked an independent research company specializing in survey research to conduct a survey of Amateur Radio operators. Readex Research -- headquartered in Stillwater, Minnesota -- has conducted similar studies for ARRL in the past, including Q
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