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    10/19/2011 | ARRL Executive Committee Examines BPL Issues, Regulatory Matters, Electronic Balloting, More

    The ARRL Executive Committee (EC) held its second 2011 meeting Saturday, October 1 in Dulles, Virginia. The EC administers the League’s affairs in between Board meetings. It consists of the President (Kay Craigie, N3KN), five Directors elected annually by
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    10/19/2011 | Newly Elected Section Managers Converge in Newington

    This weekend, five newly elected or appointed Section Managers will be in Newington for an orientation workshop. The primary purposes of the workshop sessions are to share ideas and to provide basic administrative, management, leadership and motivational
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    10/13/2011 | ARRL Marks 28th Year of Hosting USTTI ARAC Course

    Students from the Ghana, Uganda and Trinidad and Tobago attended the United States Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI) Amateur Radio Administration Course (ARAC) at ARRL Headquarters October 3-7. ARRL Chief Technology Officer Brennan Price, N4QX
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    10/13/2011 | AMSAT to Celebrate 50 Years in Space at Annual Space Symposium

    The AMSAT 2011 AMSAT Space Symposium will be held on Friday, November 4-6 in San Jose, California. This year’s Symposium coincides with the celebration of the 50th anniversary of OSCAR 1, the first Amateur Radio satellite. The Symposium will feature prese
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    10/12/2011 | US Amateurs Now 700,000 Strong!

    As the third quarter of 2011 came to a close, ARRL VEC Manager Maria Somma, AB1FM, began calculating the number of licensed Amateur Radio operators in the US, as well as the number of new licensees. “At the end of September, I saw that the number of hams
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    10/05/2011 | New Section Manager Appointed in North Texas

    Effective Wednesday, October 5, the ARRL North Texas Section has a new Section Manager. Jay Urish, W5GM, of Flower Mound, stepped down for personal reasons. He has served as North Texas Section Manager since April 2009, and was re-elected to a second term
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    10/04/2011 | Every Radio Amateur Knows that Spectrum Defense Matters

    The second edition for 2011 of Spectrum Defense Matters -- a newsletter aimed at keeping ARRL members updated on issues related to the protection of Amateur Radio frequencies -- was recently released on the ARRL website. This newsletter covers both domest
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    10/03/2011 | Nominations Now Open for the George Hart Distinguished Service Award

    The George Hart Distinguished Service Award may be presented by the Board of Directors to the ARRL member whose service to the ARRL’s Field Organization is of the most exemplary nature. The Distinguished Service Award is named in honor of George Hart, W1N
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