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John W. Soderberg, W1AKV (SK)


John Soderberg, W1AKV, of Weston, Vermont, passed away on November 7. He was 90. Soderberg, an ARRL member, was one of the inventors of the spherical array and its associated electromechanical compensator that was the primary acoustic (sonar) sensor subsystem on three generations of Navy nuclear attack and fleet ballistic submarines. He was also a key member of the Underwater Sound Laboratory (USL) engineering team that developed sonar and related systems for the submarines. While at USL at Fort Trumbull, Connecticut, Soderberg provided the technical direction and contractor oversight for the AN/BQQ-1 system that incorporated that array, and was one of the authors of the technical specifications for the next generation, the AN/BQQ-5 sonar system. According to friends, he was walking the hills for miles with his German shepherd and working CW just days before his death.  -- Thanks to Frank Giambrone, KA2VTI, and Jim Kyle, KC1SD, for the information



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