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JARL to Accept Applications for IARU Region 3 Award at Dayton Hamvention®


Representatives from the Japan Amateur Radio League (JARL) will be accepting applications for the IARU Region 3 Operating Award. JARL will forward the applications to the New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters (NZART), who administers the award. NZART will then send applicants their award certificate with any endorsements after Hamvention.

To be eligible for the award, hams must present the completed application, listing at least seven contacts from entities in IARU Region 3 whose amateur societies are Member-Societies of the IARU. These countries include: Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei, China (PRC), Chinese Taipei (Taiwan), Fiji, French Polynesia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Macau, Malaysia, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Pitcairn Island, Samoa, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tonga, Vanuatu and Vietnam. Applicants must also have at least one QSO with one of the following: the US Territories in the Pacific from Guam, Northern Marianas, American Samoa, Wake Island, Baker Howland Group, as represented by ARRL, or the Chago Archipelago (VQ9), represented by RSGB. No QSL cards are necessary, but only QSLs made after April 5, 1982 are eligible.

There are 35 available entities for the IARU Region 3 Award. Hams who present seven QSOs will be awarded the Basic Award. Hams who present 15 QSOs will be achieve the Silver Endorsement, while those who present 20 QSOs will receive the Gold Endorsement. The award fee is US $4 or four IRCs.




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