ARRL Rookie Roundup SSB Returns on Sunday, April 15!
The ARRL Rookie Roundup SSB returns on Sunday, April 15, starting at 1800 UTC and continuing through 2359 UTC. The aim of Rookie Roundup is to encourage recently licensed operators in North America (including territories and possessions) to operate on the HF bands and experience competitive Amateur Radio operating.
You're a Rookie if you were first licensed in 2018, 2017, or 2016 (send the year you were first licensed in the exchange).
You can qualify as a Rookie for just 1 year in two possible ways: if you were licensed before 2016 but made your first Amateur Radio contact during 2018, 2017, or 2016, or if you never made a contact using the mode of the Rookie Roundup event (in this case, SSB) before the 2018 Rookie Roundup (send the current year in your exchange).
The object is simple: Rookies attempt to make as many contacts as possible during the 6-hour event on 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters. Rookies work everyone, and non-Rookies work only Rookies. Experienced operators are encouraged to participate and help new operators — either on the air or in person.
Experienced hams may want to consider opening their stations to Rookies and serving as contesting mentors. The more operators on the air, the more fun the Roundup will be for everyone.
Rookies call “CQ Rookie Roundup,” while veteran ops call “CQ Rookies.” Exchange the call sign of the station you’re working, your call sign, your first name, the two-digit number of the year first licensed, and your state, Canadian province, Mexican call area, or DX.
To register teams or to submit your score after the event, visit the Rookie Roundup page hosted by Bruce Horn, WA7BNM.
Rookie Roundup events take place three times a year: SSB in April, RTTY in August, and CW in December.
Once the contest is over and you’ve calculated your score, complete the Rookie Roundup Online Score Submission Form to submit your score; no logs are necessary. Entrants must fill out this form to enter, and all entries are due within 72 hours (3 days) of the end of the contest.
Review the rules before the event, and get familiar with logging and log submission processes too. Before venturing forth, Rookie entrants are encouraged to read “HF Contesting – Good Practices, Interpretations and Suggestions.”
Contact the ARRL Contest Branch for more information.