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ARRL Foundation Accepting Applications for Grants and 2023 Scholarships


The ARRL Foundation is now accepting applications for grants to amateur radio organizations and for its 2023 Scholarship Program.

The grants program awards limited funding to organizations for eligible amateur radio related projects and initiatives, particularly those with a focus on educating, licensing, and supporting amateur radio activities. Youth-based projects and initiatives are especially encouraged. The ARRL Foundation grants program accepts proposals on a cyclical model three times a year, in February, June, and October. Proposals for the October grant period are being accepted through October 31. Awardees will be notified approximately one month after the closing of each cycle.

Additional information and a link to the grant application can be found at

The ARRL Foundation Scholarship Program will award more than 100 scholarships to deserving radio amateurs pursuing higher education. Individual scholarships range from $500 - $25,000. All applicants must be active, FCC-licensed amateur radio operators and submit a completed online application by 12 PM Eastern Time on January 4, 2023. Active foreign amateur radio operators are eligible for the Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) scholarships.

For the 2023 scholarships, the ARRL Foundation will be utilizing the same Scholarship Management Platform that was used for the 2022 scholarships. Transcripts and additional required documents must be submitted with the application and not emailed separately. A number of scholarships require additional documents, such as a letter of recommendation from a sitting Officer of an ARRL Affiliated Club. Applications without accompanying transcripts and additional required documents (if applicable) will not be considered.

The ARRL Foundation Scholarship Committee will review all applicants for eligibility and award decisions. Scholarship recipients will be notified in May 2023 via USPS and email. Awards are mailed directly to recipients' schools.

Additional information and a link to the application can be found at

The ARRL Foundation administers programs to support the amateur radio community, and was established in 1973 by ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio®.




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