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Did You Watch Last Man Standing "WHAT" Mar 19th 2013, 04:13 4 11,214 on 3/4/13

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Did You Watch Last Man Standing "WHAT" KB3SM on 19/3/13

"ABC Comedy Last Man Standing Episode 17"
It was disappointing in how Ham Radio was depicted.
This looked more like "CB Radio" and advertising for the equipment and the illegal Linear Amplifier shown. The average TV fan would assume that anyone could use these expensive radios to chat without having to type to their friends! According to the show, some of the writers/producers are Ham Operators and they know the requirements to become licensed. Being a 40+ year ARRL Life member, 20 WPM Extra Class licensed Ham, makes me wonder about the shows story line and how far they are going with it. Lastly, while Ham Operators enjoy the hobby, they also volunteer their services in disasters and various community events. KB3SM: a proud Old Ham...

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