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What to Tune to? Dec 8th 2022, 07:18 2 3,709 on 8/12/22

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What to Tune to? KO4NCC on 8/12/22
ICOM 7100 with a MFJ-941E tuner. Up until today I have always tuned to get minimum SWR on the tuner. I have noticed that the SWR on the 7100 display does not match that of the Tuner.

There are times when the best SWR on the Tuner may be 1.5:1. This may result in the SWR on the 7100 getting near 3:1.

If I understand the goal correctly we want to get the maximum power delivered to the antenna and protect the transmitter finals from being damaged by letting SWR get too high (although the 7100 should fold back if that were to occur).

So now I'm wondering if I should ignore the meter on the MFJ-941E tuner and tune to minimum SWR on the 7100 display?
Vy 73 de KO4NCC

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