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Fresh start for QSO's in LoTW?

Nov 15th 2022, 16:01


Joined: Aug 22nd 2017, 16:21
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Simply ... We've moved from South Idaho to North Idaho ... should I, or can I, start my LoTW QSO log over again ... clear it, start fresh? I 'was' working on my WAS but want to start that over at our new abode... Or because the records are needed for verifying QSO's for others, in addition to myself, I should leave all entries in place?


I'm a Newb ... with new/bigger land (no CC&Rs, no HOA, acreage), new radio (FT-991a), new antenna (80/40/20+ OCFD inverted-V on 44 ft telescoping fiberglass mast) ...


PS: At first gander, I can't seem to find an LoTW forum and / or board here or elsewhere ... Not sure where else to post?

Nov 16th 2022, 07:13


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