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Pure Sine Wave Inverter with low/no EMI

Oct 2nd 2018, 12:38


Joined: Mar 3rd 2012, 03:12
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Hello Everybody,

I am thinking about purchasing a pure sine wave inverter.

Does any body know of who manufactures a quality unit that is quiet EMI/RFI wise?

I am thinking of 1000W - 3000W range.

Thank You and 73's

Oct 11th 2019, 14:36


Joined: Oct 8th 2018, 16:38
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I am curious if you got any answers to your question abouit a low RFI inverter? I have had RFI problems with a Samlux 3000 watt inverter which i purchased because it was supposedly low RFI. But is generates a lot of spurious radiation at least on 160 and 80 meters. Not so bad on 40 meters and above.
Oct 20th 2019, 20:08


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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For a year I've been trying to reduce the 10 dB over S9 hash from my champion 3400 watt inverter. FINALLY I succeeded -- using a $128 filter from england, and then TWO common mode chokes FT-240-43 with about 9 turns of a short 16gauge walmart extension sorce. Will be publishing it in the nfl qst newsletter end of the month. Standaard stuff....finally worked --- wiped it clean off the S meter. Became inaudible on 40 meters. Then tested my friends 2kw cosco AI power inerter generator -- it was maybe 6 db quieter than mine. That is the news so far.
Oct 22nd 2019, 09:21


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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The below link is the most recent testing that I have seen for a while.

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