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Tower Planning Time?

Jun 26th 2016, 20:30


Joined: Nov 20th 2014, 18:03
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Good day, I'm certain there are many out there with much more experience with antennas than I. One day soon I will get my new 80 foot crank up tower. Not to waste a good opportunity, I was planning on making the four guy wires antennas too. Just makes sense. On top of my tower will be my CushCraft MA-5B. I was thinking of making the four guy wires into 40 meter vertical antennas and then I had to stop there. I can see one 40m inverted "V" but two? I already have a six pos remote coax SW!

#1 Whats the value of two inverted Vee's 90 degrees offset from each other??

#2 Isn't the pattern for an inverted "V" on a metal mast about omni?

#3 A long time ago in a galaxy far away I had a Super Scanner antenna. Anyone remember those? It was for 11 meters but many have been reworked for 10m. As I recall, the hot dipole used the other two cold ones and you got a three quadrant "beam" of sorts.

#4 Any way to create that type of effect using 4 40 meter slopers?

Or maybe three?

Thanks in advance and wish me luck!


Jun 27th 2016, 20:32


Super Moderator

Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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Switching between Inverted Vees can give you a few more dB of gain, a worthwhile improvement on HF.

A Shortened 40-Meter Four-Element Sloping Dipole Array - OE5
Here's how to build a four-element sloper system for 40-meters on a small city lot ... Though the dipole in this array may not be exactly vertical, the signal i

Zack Lau W1VT
ARRL Senior Lab Engineer
Jun 30th 2016, 23:16


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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Why not configure two quad loops instead of two vees? more gain, more bandwidth for coaxial feed.

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