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What is an accepted range for a DX contact?

Apr 17th 2014, 17:46


Joined: Nov 3rd 2010, 13:51
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I would like to ask a question about DXing.

What is the accepted, by convention or agreement, range to have a contact described as a long distance contact?

Would 2 stations 100 miles apart qualify as a DX contact?

Would 1000 miles qualify?

How about 10 miles apart, would that qualify as a DX contact?

Thanks for any information, I'm writing a term paper about HAM radio.


Apr 17th 2014, 18:16


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As you can see, when you get to the higher amateur bands, even 100 miles is enough to set records.

Zack Lau W1VT
ARRL Senior Lab Engineer
Apr 17th 2014, 21:53


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For the HF bands (below 30 MHz), usually called "short wave", we have long-distance propagation thanks to bouncing signals off the ionosphere. On these frequencies, the usual idea of "DX" is contacting someone in another country. So US-Canada is "DX" by this measure, even if the distance can be very short. And Maine to California would not be DX.

ARRL has the concept of a "DXCC entity" and people try to contact as many of them as possible. They are generally countries, but some non-countries, like Alaska and Hawaii, are considered separate entities. Check out

73 Martin AA6E
Jan 3rd 2015, 17:59


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I am only 30 miles from MEXICO, but working a station there counts as a new COUNTRY!

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