Youth DX Adventure Wraps Up
The Dave Kalter 2017 Youth DX Adventure (YDXA) is over for another year, after logging more than 3,100 contacts from Costa Rica “under difficult band conditions.” The young radio amateurs attending the summertime adventure — Bryant Rascoll, KG5HVO; Austin Harris, WA8CCS, and Chris Brault, KD8YVJ — signed off on August 8. Chris Brault was the 2015 recipient of the Hiram Percy Maxim Award, the League's top youth honor. Bryant Racoll was the winner of The Dave Kalter Youth DX Adventure essay contest.
“We lost almost an entire day of operating due to thunderstorms and lightning,” said 2017 team leader Jim Storms, AB8YK. He said team members “worked hard and used their tourism day to operate, since once day was lost.” Storms said the final day of YDXA 2017 was the best for band conditions. The QSL card is currently being designed, and requests should be routed to the individual operator’s home call sign.
Byron Swainey, TI5/WA8NJR, in San Ramon, hosted the group, which consisted of three youngsters, three parents, and two team leaders. Applications to take part in YDXA 2018 will be available soon. — Thanks to The Daily DX