You have DXing Questions? Dr. DX has Answers!
The Southern California DX Club (SCDXC) has announced that “Dr. DX” is on call and ready to answer questions via e-mail from fledgling DXers. A team of experienced DXers will offer helpful replies to any and all DXing-related questions.
The club has also distributed a brochure to Southern California Amateur Radio clubs to entice hams who are not yet DXers into that area of the hobby. Ham clubs outside of Southern California may request a PDF.
The SCDXC says its efforts to promote DXing in general are not limited to Southern California, and Dr. DX will take questions from anywhere. Through the Dr. DX program, new DXers may ask about equipment, operating techniques, antennas, QSLing, and related topics, and someone on the SCDXC Dr. DX team will have the right answer! SCDXC Dr. DX team members will respond to every question. — Thanks to SCDXC