York Radio Club in Elmhurst, Illinois, to Mark 80th Anniversary with Special Event
The York Radio Club in Elmhurst, Illinois, will celebrate its 80th anniversary with a special event operation, from August 19 until September 2. Operators will use the call sign W9Y.
The York Radio Club is an ARRL Special Services Club. The Chicago-area organization will kick off its celebration with an open house on August 19, 6-9 PM, at the Elmhurst Fire Department Training Facility. Amateur Radio memorabilia from over the years will be on display.
Operation will get under way on 80 through 20 meters, SSB and CW, from 2200 UTC on August 19 until 0200 UTC on August 20. After that, until September 4, club members will operate W9Y from individual locations. QSL via KB9DVC. Logs will be uploaded to Logbook of the World (LoTW).
The club operates the W9YRC 442.875 repeater.
For more information, contact Gehl Entwhistle, KB9DVC.