Tickets Now Available for Dayton DX, Top Band, and Contest Dinners
Tickets are now available to the 2017 DX Dinner, Top Band Dinner, and Contest Dinner, and held in conjunction with Hamvention® in May.
The 32nd annual DX Dinner, sponsored by the SouthWest Ohio DX Association (SWODXA), will be held on Friday, May 19, at the Dayton Marriott, 1414 South Patterson Boulevard, Dayton, starting with a social hour at 5:30 PM and dinner at 7 PM. The DXpedition of the Year® will be announced. Tickets for the DX Dinner are available via the SWODXA website (click on the “Purchase Tickets Today!” banner in the upper right-hand corner).
Tickets are also now available for the 28th annual Dayton Top Band Dinner, which takes place on Friday, May 19, at the Crowne Plaza in downtown Dayton, starting with a social hour at 6:15 PM and dinner at 7 PM.
The 25th annual Contest Dinner will take place on Saturday, May 20, at the Crowne Plaza — home of the Contest Super Suite. The dinner event begins with a social hour at 5:30 PM, with dinner to follow at 6:30 PM. The event is sponsored by the North Coast Contesters. Tickets are available online. John Dorr, K1AR, will be the master of ceremonies, and elite contester Tim Duffy, K3LR, will be a speaker. No tickets will be available at the door.