The Yasme Foundation Announces Excellence Awards, Supporting Grants
The Yasme Foundation has announced excellence awards to two individuals and supporting grants to six organizations. The Yasme Excellence Award honors individuals who have made significant contributions to Amateur Radio in terms of technical, operating, or organizational achievement. Recipients are:
¨ Pekka Ketonen, OH1TV, in recognition of his many innovations, such as the Opposite Voltage Feed concept for Amateur Radio antennas, and for documenting his work in English to make it more widely available.
¨ Hani Raad, OD5TE, in recognition of his work in advancing Amateur Radio in Lebanon and the Arab World, and his efforts to reintroduce Amateur Radio examinations in Lebanon.
The Yasme Excellence Award is in the form of a cash grant and an engraved crystal globe.
The Yasme Foundation supporting grants recognize furtherance of the Foundation’s goal of supporting the development of Amateur Radio. These organizations received grants:
¨ Radio Club d’Haiti, to acquire radios for use in emergency communication (further grant).
¨ The Mongolian Radio Sport Federation, to acquire laptop computers for use in the Federation’s High Speed Telegraphy competition.
¨ LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired, to acquire Amateur Radio equipment for the station at its new headquarters in San Francisco, California.
¨ The Amateur Radio Society of Dominica, to acquire Amateur Radio training materials; the grant includes a transceiver, power supply, antenna tuner, and headset.
¨ World Radiosport Team Championship 2018, to sponsor the event’s “Ham Widows’ Ball.”
¨ The Radio Amateur Society of Thailand, to support its HS0AC club station.
The Yasme Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation organized to support scientific and educational projects related to Amateur Radio, including DXing, and the introduction and promotion of Amateur Radio in developing countries.
For additional information about The Yasme Foundation, visit its newly updated website. The refashioned website contains information on Yasme’s history, past recipients of the Yasme Excellence Award, prior grants, the Yasme Awards, and an updated listing of eligible call signs. The website also makes available complete copies of The Yasme News, published in the late 1950s by Dick Spenceley, KV4AA (SK), all prior Yasme press releases, and information on the book, Yasme — The Danny Weil and Colvin Radio Expeditions, by Jim Cain, K1TN. — Thanks to Ward Silver, N0AX