Scouts in Belize Learn about Amateur Radio
The Belize Amateur Radio Club (BARC) presented an “Introduction to Amateur Radio” for the Scout Association of Belize on February 26. The demonstration, held at the Scouts National Training Grounds, covered BARC’s goals for Amateur Radio in Belize, a video, a hands-on demonstration of radio equipment, and a question-and-answer session. The demonstration represented a first step in cooperation between BARC and the Scout Association of Belize (Scouts Belize).
“As we move forward with our friendship and cooperation, let’s remember to use our radio skills wisely for the greater good of our nation, especially in times of emergencies such as hurricanes and flooding, when we are needed most,” BARC President Emil Rodriguez, V31ER, said afterward.
Members of BARC offered to provide radios and equipment for the Scouts of Belize to take part in Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) in October. JOTA is the world’s largest Scouting event.
Discussions at the event also included establishing a permanent Amateur Radio station for Scouts Belize, so that routine training could be conducted covering operating basics and simple radio theory, among other topics. — Thanks to BARC, IARU Region 2