“Scouts BSA” Program Change Expected to Enhance Ham Radio Opportunities for Young Women
Boy Scouts of America’s Radio Scouting Coordinator Jim Wilson, K5ND, says that, although the program name for ages 11 to 17 will change to “Scouts BSA” and begin admitting girls starting on February 1, 2019, the organization’s name remains the same.
“Perhaps the big difference is that girls will now be eligible to earn the Radio merit badge as part of their Scouting program,” Wilson told ARRL. “Girls are already a part of Venturing, a coed program for ages 14 to 20.” He pointed out that Venture Scouts of both sexes have always been able to earn the Amateur Radio Operator Rating Strip and the Morse Code Interpreter Strip.
“For Jamboree on the Air, Girl Scouts have always been welcome to participate throughout the world,” Wilson added. “Now, they’ll be participating in not only Girl Scouts, but also in Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA.”
Wilson noted that worldwide, most national Scouting organizations have had female members for quite a while now, with just 8% of countries admitting boys only.