Saint Brandon Island 3B7A DXpedition Will Field Five Operating Positions
Plans appear to be on track for the upcoming 3B7A DXpedition to Saint Brandon Island, expected to kick off in early to mid-April. The DXpedition initially was planned for last fall. In a news release this week, the 3B7A team said the past year of preparations has been intense, and 700 kilograms of gear is now on its way to Mauritius, where it will join the generators and stock of fuel on the boat to Saint Brandon Island on April 3 with two team members.
A second vessel departing on April 5 will transport the other operators. The “pre-team” will oversee transit operations and identify sites to install stations and equipment, but no contacts will be made until the entire team is on site, the DXpedition’s organizers said.
Once 3B7A is on the air, priority will be given systematically to the most difficult regions with the shortest band openings. The five identical stations are capable of working all modes available to the eight operators. 3B7A will not be active on 60 meters nor on 6-meter EME.
The DXCC entity of Agalega and Saint Brandon Islands is the 28th most wanted.