RTTY Contest Champ Don Hill, AA5AU, Achieves Remote Contesting Milestone
Champion RTTY contester Don Hill, AA5AU, of Louisiana may be the first US radio amateur to operate SO2R (single operator, two radio) remotely in an RTTY event. He took part in the SCC RTTY Contest over the August 27-28 weekend via W4AAW in Virginia.
Already an accomplished SO2R RTTY operator, Hill ran the first 2 hours of the contest while operating SO2R remotely. Earlier this year, Alex Tkatch, KU1CW, became the first to remotely operate W4AAW SO2R in a contest on SSB and CW; others have done this at other remotely operated stations.
A member of the CQ Contest Hall of Fame and a well-known RTTY resource, Hill said operating SO2RWMO (single operator, two radios while multiop) “performed just as I thought it would. It worked great! I had one radio on 15 and one on 20 meters using two separate computers with two separate VPN connections.”
Mike Lonneke, W4AAW, said, “It was dizzying to watch the screens in the W4AAW shack as Don masterfully controlled two operating positions remotely by Internet at a distance of nearly 1000 miles.”