OH2BH on the Road Again
According to The Daily DX, you may catch the peripatetic Martti Laine, OH2BH, operating his CU2KG station while doing station maintenance at his and his wife’s (Leena, OH2BE) second home on San Miguel. The couple has put their Azores home up for sale.
“The Azores is a great place to be and do Amateur Radio — when the weather is clear, we can see the Statue of Liberty from there,” Laine quipped during a lengthy interview with Paul Ewing, N6PSE, posted on Laine’s QRZ.com profile page. “And it takes the same amount of time to reach the East Coast of the United States from the Azores as it takes to get back home to Finland. We are between the Old and New Worlds, and can hear both types of pileup behavior!”
OH2BH then will move from the Azores to the Aland Islands, OH0B, and put that station on the air for the Scandinavian Activity Contest (SSB) over the October 14-15 weekend. From the Alands, they move to Sri Lanka, 4S7BHG, for low-band activity from October 25 until November 1, which will include passing out the rare 4S7 multiplier in the CQ World Wide SSB Contest.
For the November CQ WW CW event, they’ll either be in Kosovo, Z68BH, or Albania (ZA). Stand by! QSLs via OH2BH. — Thanks to The Daily DX