Intrepid-DX Group Seeks Nominees for “Intrepid Spirit Award”
Time is short to nominate candidates for the Intrepid-DX Group’s “Intrepid Spirit Award.” The award recognizes an individual or group exhibiting an Intrepid Spirit during 2016.
“An Intrepid Spirit is bold, courageous, dedicated, innovative, fearless, generous, resolute, and visionary in their approach to Amateur Radio,” the DXpedition sponsor said in defining the award. “We are seeking to make this award to the group or individual that most displayed their intrepid spirit in 2016, by expressing an unshakable commitment to the Amateur Radio DX Community.” The award memorializes James McLaughlin, WA2EWE/T6AF, who died in Afghanistan in 2011.
Submit nominations via e-mail. All nominations must be received by December 31, 2016. The Board of Directors of the Intrepid-DX Group will evaluate the nominations, and the award will be presented in April at the International DX Convention in Visalia, California.
The Intrepid-DX Group was formed in 2010, following its successful DXpedition to Iraq. — Thanks to Paul Ewing, N6PSE, Vice President and Founder, The Intrepid-DX Group