Hundreds of Stations Report Hearing WSPR Signal from Canada C3 Expedition
Hundreds of Amateur Radio stations have reported receiving the WSPR signal being transmitted by CG3EXP on 20, 30, and 40 meters from the Canada C3 expedition. The expedition, which got under way on June 1 and will continue until October 28, is part of Canada’s Sesquicentennial Celebration. The Canada C3 vessel Polar Prince is sailing from Toronto to Victoria via the Northwest Passage. It’s currently in Cornwall, Ontario, before proceeding to Montreal for the final stop on the first of 15 planned legs of its journey. The 220-foot long Polar Prince, a former Canadian Coast Guard vessel, is a research icebreaker.
CG3EXP has been transmitting on 20, 30, and 40 meters at 20-minute intervals, since leaving Toronto on June 1. The CG3EXP WSPR HF end-fed antenna, on the ship’s port side, slopes up to the mid mast at 62° — some 46 feet of insulated wire, approximately 0.5 λ on 30 meters. Reception reports have come from every continent except Asia. More than 200 individual stations have reported receiving at least one CG3EXP WSPR transmission on 40 meters, while more than 100 individual stations each have copied the signal on 20 and 30 meters. The best DX to date has been VK6LX, nearly 18,300 kilometers distant. A live tracking link, generated by QRP Labs, the supplier of the transmitting hardware, is being hosted by Jeff Milne, VE3EFF.
Stations with an HF receiver and the free WSPR application can receive the CG3EXP signals directly from the ship on 40, 30 or 20 meters, and the location can be gated to the Internet and tracked on WSPRnet.
The project is seeking radio amateurs who are in close radio proximity to the route to receive the CG3EXP signal using the WSPR application on their existing equipment and uploading the data to the Internet. This can be entirely automated via the WSPR application.
For more information, contact Barrie Crampton, VE3BSB. — Thanks to Radio Amateurs of Canada