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Hawaii QSO Party, Grid Madness Events Just Ahead


Hawaii is not just a US state, but a separate DXCC entity and at some distance from the continental US. This ups the challenge quotient for participants in the Hawaii QSO Party, set for August 26-28. The rules have been slightly revised to be more in line with those of other state QSO parties. The event starts at 0400 UTC on August 26 and runs through 0359 UTC on August 28 — a total of 48 hours. Hawaiian stations work anyone, anywhere, on any mode. Hawaii has just five counties, and the multiplier list has been expanded into regions to make things more challenging.

But wait! There’s more! On September 17, it’s the Hawaiian Islands “Grid Madness” event, where radio amateurs in the islands operate VHF and UHF simplex to work as many others as they can. Sponsored by the Aulani Hui Amateur Repeater Club, the 4-hour sprint is open to all. This year, the power limit has been bumped up to 8 W for HT Class entries. — Thanks to Stacy Holbrook, KH6OWL




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