CWops Announces 2016 Award Recipients
CWops — the CW Operators’ Club — has recognized three individuals who have made “the greatest contributions toward advancing the art or practice of radio communication by Morse code.”
The 2016 recipients include CWops President Rob Brownstein, K6RB, for creating, organizing, marketing, and actively participating in the operation of CW Academy, which trains about 360 people in Morse code every year. “CW Academy is what it is today because of Rob’s creativity and hard work,” CWops said in announcing the award.
Also honored was Carlo Consoli, IK0YGJ, for his book, Zen and the Art of Radiotelegraphy, which is available in four languages (the English version is a free download). “This book is an encyclopedia about CW, and especially about learning it. The most valuable section explains how to teach oneself to copy CW at speeds exceeding 50 WPM,” CWops’ announcement said.
CWOps recognized Chuck Adams, K7QO, for writing and publishing a CW training course manual and CDs, which he distributes at no cost to students. He also teaches CW classes. V
isit the CWops Awards page for more information. CWops sponsors the weekly CWTs and the annual CW Open on-air events.