Contest University (CTU) Posts Course Outline, Faculty, for Dayton Classes
The course outline has been posted for the Contest University 2017 sessions, Thursday, May 18, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Dayton, reports Tim Duffy, K3LR, CTU Chairman. Faculty for the Dayton classes, held in conjunction with Hamvention 2017 this May, includes several returning professors as well as some newcomers: Frank Donovan, W3LPL; Ed Muns, W0YK; Rob Sherwood, NC0B; Joel Harrison, W5ZN; Tim Duffy, K3LR; Bob Wilson, N6TV; Tim Jellison, W3YQ; Greg Ordy, W8WWV; Ward Silver, N0AX; Tamitha Skov; Bob McGwier, N4HY, and Dan Zeitlin, K2YWE.