Battleship Iowa Special Event to Commemorate Pearl Harbor Attack
Members of the Battleship Iowa Amateur Radio Association (BIARA) will mark the 75th anniversary of the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on Wednesday, December 7, 1600-2359 UTC, operating shipboard from the Iowa as NI6BB.
The primary BIARA team will staff SSB and CW stations on 20 through 10 meters, commensurate with conditions. Suggested frequencies are 14.041, 18.078, 21.041, 24.896, and/or 28.041 MHz on CW, and 14.341, 18.141, 21.441, 24.941, and/or 28.441 MHz on SSB.
The “gray radio gang” will operate the ship’s c1980s radio gear on 40 meters, SSB, 1800-2300 UTC, on 7.241 MHz. The transmitters are on Deck 3, and the receivers are on the Main Deck, so stations should ensure they are on frequency before call in. There will be a delay between transmit and receive, due to the receiver recovery time.
QSL information is on the NI6BB profile. — Thanks to Southgate Amateur Radio News via OPDX