ARRL 2017 Teachers Institutes on Wireless Technology Accepting Applications Until May 1
ARRL is accepting applications for summer 2017 Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology sessions until May 1. This summer’s sessions will be held in Dayton, Ohio — hosted by the Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA) — and at ARRL Headquarters in Newington, Connecticut. (DARA also helps to sustain the program as a generous contributor.”) Past participants who have completed the introductory (TI-1) course may consider signing up for the advanced (TI-2) session on Remote Sensing and Data Gathering. These expenses-paid, intensive professional development opportunities offer educators training and resources to explore wireless technology in the classroom using Amateur Radio.
Introductory (TI-1) ARRL Teachers Institute sessions will take place July 17-21 in Dayton, Ohio, and July 24-28 at ARRL Headquarters in Connecticut. One advanced (TI-2) ARRL Teachers Institute class will be held July 10-13 at ARRL Headquarters.
An article in the March issue of QST includes the schedule and description of offerings. The article “Amateur Radio in the STEM Classroom” in the April 2016 issue of Tech Directions discusses how four Teachers Institute graduates employ Amateur Radio in their classrooms. This video offers an inside look at the Teachers Institute. More information is available on the ARRL website. Register to receive news about ARRL Education & Technology Program activities and notifications about the summer 2017 Teachers Institutes.
Contributions from individuals and from corporate and institutional supporters make the annual ARRL Teachers Institutes possible.