ARISS-Russia Testing Undeployed CubeSats from ISS
ARISS-Russia is making FM transmissions on June 20 and 21 from two of its Tanusha series of CubeSats, now aboard the International Space Station. Russia’s ARISS organization has been developing the spacecraft in collaboration with Southwest State University in Kursk.
Two earlier Tanusha CubeSats were hand-deployed by cosmonauts last August and are performing cluster flight experiments through communication links. Plans call for hand-deploying Tanusha 3 and 4 this August.
On June 20, Tanusha 3 was to be connected to one of the ARISS antennas on the ISS Service Module to transmit greetings from students in several languages on 437.05 MHz.
ARISS Russia is set to repeat the process on June 21 0730 – 1200 UTC on the same frequency. The ARISS-Russia team also plans to retransmit these signals on the standard ARISS 2-meter downlink, 145.80 MHz, using the JVC Kenwood TM-D700 radio now on the ISS.
The next SSTV transmissions are planned for June 29 – July 1, with images commemorating the various satellites the ARISS-Russia team has developed and hand-deployed from the ISS. This will include SuitSat-1/Radioskaf-1, deployed in February 2006. — Thanks to ARISS-Russia