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Mobile HF Antenna: Hitch Mounted Feb 26th, 06:37 2 1,094 3 weeks, 2 days ago

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Mobile HF Antenna: Hitch Mounted W2EV 3 weeks, 2 days ago
NVM. Question answered on
Mobile HF Antenna: Hitch Mounted W2EV 3 weeks, 4 days ago
I have little choice but to mount my mobile antenna to a trailer hitch on one of my cars. Even a low efficiency installation is better than nothing at all.

My question is about antenna ground.

There are some schools of thought that say I don't need to chassis ground the hitch because the 12VDC ground is sufficient.

On the other hand, connecting a wire between the hitch mount near the base of the 3/8/24 where the antenna is connected and car body -or- to the 12VDC negative post on the power bus feeding the transceiver is easy.

Is there more definitive guidance available on this type of installation?
How to Suggest a Contest and Start One? KI7IIM on 30/12/15
It is important to remember that the ARRL is only one organization that sponsors contests, events and awards.

The key is to either attach to an organization and offer to create and administer the contest/award under their name or launch your own independent effort.

It is easy to suggest that "someone" should _fill-in_your_idea_. Spearheading the award ones self brings an entirely new level of dedication to an idea. ;-)

Ev, W2EV

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