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High Voltage power lines May 1st 2012, 21:09 3 9,158 on 11/5/12

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High Voltage power lines N0LD on 1/5/12
Introduction: I am in the process of relocating to the Wentzville, MO area. I am searching for properties that aren't in a homeowners association. One of the nicer properties - 4 acres plus, no home owneers association, out buildings, close proximity to work, etc has one negative - a set of power lines run through the area about 300 feet north of the property. There currently are not many trees in the area - so my thoughts are - buy it and put up some fast growing poplars and silver maples along the north property line and through the yard to make the power lines relatively invisible from the front....

Hypothesis: I've been told by a few hams that I trust that the REALLY high voltage power lines don't have much problem with RFI on VHF/UHF due to dirt/dust on the insulators. (Ostensibly they are too high up to get dirt from local roads on them in sufficient quantities to cause carbon tracks on the insulators.)


1. Does anyone have any personal knowledge about these high voltage power lines (the "H" kind) and RFI?

2. Does anyone have anything to add about RFI on VHF / UHF / or HF in relation to high voltage power lines?

Thank you!

Randy Wing, N0LD

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