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IP TV Set Top Box Oct 23rd 2017, 12:14 3 7,027 on 23/10/17

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IP TV Set Top Box K6IUZ on 23/10/17
Thanks Zack...just did a test....
With the:
1) provided wall supply S peaking 9
2) 12vdc AGM battery S peaking 2/3
3) provided wall supply wirh a hefty torroid S peaking 4/5
I am embarrassed to say but I'm shocked...looks
like all I need is clean 12vdc...
Time to look for a source of linear supplies...
Thanks again...

IP TV Set Top Box K6IUZ on 23/10/17
I have 3 of these (Scientific Atlanta IPN330HD) in my new home....each one takes the noise floor on 20m from S2/3 to S9 when plugged takes RF in and puts out HDTV...I had my rig on battery power to eliminate AC as being the path...
any recommendations to solve the problem?
Tom Lewis

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