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Roger beep and another question. Dec 17th 2019, 10:04 2 7,320 on 18/12/19
Roger beep Dec 16th 2019, 19:16 5 10,438 on 11/4/20
proper grounding and bonding to avoid electrical noise Nov 30th 2019, 18:24 2 6,738 on 30/11/19

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Roger beep and another question. KI5SGT on 17/12/19
Maybe someone can answer this question: Should the roger beep not be used or is up for grabs either way? I heard someone tell another operator to turn the roger beep off on 2m band. Is there any regulation covering this, or is just a personal choice? Along the same lines, is there rules and regulations concerning the use of phonetic alphabet, such as names/words that are not part of the old military ones?

Roger beep KI5SGT on 16/12/19
Maybe someone can answer this question: Should the roger beep not be used or is up for grabs either way? I heard someone tell another operator to turn the roger beep off on 2m band. Is there any regulation covering this, or is just a personal choice? Along the same lines, is there rules and regulations concerning the use of phonetic alphabet, such as names/words that are not part of the old military ones?

proper grounding and bonding to avoid electrical noise KI5SGT on 30/11/19
What other steps should i take to reduce/eliminate noise in receiver? I have put ferrite tyroids on all power cables, single point grounding from equipment, 3 8'ground rods on three sides of house and bonded all together, and pretty much ferrite beads on all power and speaker cords. was on 40m tonight and seemed there was much more noise level than I have had in the past. Was it just the band or something else?

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