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Seeking advice on gear for travel. (newer ham here) Nov 15th 2018, 16:14 1 7,061 on 15/11/18

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Seeking advice on gear for travel. (newer ham here) normchris on 15/11/18
I travel across North America for my company over 25 weeks a year and am a new amateur operator. Just upgraded to general and own one radio; an FT60 for 2 meters.

I fly somewhere, rent a car and stay in a hotel for the week. So, portability is high on my list. I am seeking advice on what to purchase that I can pack and get thru TSA that is fairly easy to set up in a hotel room and/or rental car. My Yaesu FT60 has gotten me started on my new ham adventure and I am ready to move to a slightly higher level without breaking the bank. All advice is welcome. What do you suggest I do to move up a notch or two?

KD0MVX (Norm)

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