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Leixen 898 Back pack VHF-UHF May 4th 2016, 04:23 2 11,495 on 25/9/16

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Leixen 898 Back pack VHF-UHF K6AAN on 25/9/16
Well, I ordered one and had to send it back immediately because it would not transmit. Replacement radio has been in use for several months and I am pretty happy with it. Good basic radio, great battery life, nice compact dual band go box type radio!
Mobile antennas for hand held yaesu ft60 K6UDK on 5/8/16
I have used the Diamond NR770HAB antenna with great success on my Chevy Silverado truck. Be sure to buy a mag mount with a rubber protected bottom rather than that thin film of foil like material. I have been using a 5" Browning mad mount. This mount leaked after a couple of months and was full of rain water causing high swr. Browning refused to replace it. Damaged the paint on the roof of the truck too so now I have to have the roof painted! Finally went to a Larsen KG7 Windows mount antenna with excellent results.
Leixen 898 Back pack VHF-UHF K6AAN on 4/5/16
Just wondering if any of you have owned one of these radios or had any experience with one. Looks like a neat little rig for the money!
2m/70cm Vertical antennas KG5GJT on 25/4/16
I have had great results with the Diamond X-300a vertical. Have it up on a 20' mast and am very satisfied with it!

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