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Repeater question Sep 23rd 2015, 00:25 6 6,030 on 25/9/15

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Repeater question K9DBX on 24/9/15
I have read about people using 2 radios with satellites, one for transmit, one for receive, isn't that the same thing I am trying to do with 2 radios and local repeater? Listening on .330, transmitting on .930? Why would my listening radio on .330 be trying to de-mod the .930 transmitting freq?

Repeater question K9DBX on 23/9/15
That makes sense. It may kill my idea of having the two together on a tripod mount with my dual band Arrow antenna for satellite work.

Michael k9dbx
Repeater question K9DBX on 23/9/15
Hello, new ham with a quick question on repeaters: if I have 2 HT's, one is setup to transmit 147.330 +.600 tone of 100.0 hz (as required by repeater I am trying), and I have headphones on with the second HT listening to 147.330, shouldn't I hear my own transmission at the same time? All I get is the repeater coming back to identify itself after I release the PTT. What am I missing here?

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