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Interstation interference Mar 31st 2019, 16:50 4 8,552 on 28/4/19

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Interstation interference W4EEC on 31/3/19
Thank you W1VT, great sources.
Interstation interference W4EEC on 31/3/19
A friend and I want to operate with rigs and antenna nearby, lets say he will be on 20M and I will be on 40M.
We have experience interferences when transmitting.
My research into this, the interferences come frrom harmonics and/or phase noise.
Can a band filter for each rig connected between the rig and the antenna for each of the band operating on that rig solve this issue.
We have already tried lowering power, spacing antenna starts and at different angles, etc. Antennas are wire end fed, power is no more than 100W.
Who makes a proven product for this?

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