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A Fluke? Feb 4th 2014, 20:55 4 8,237 on 5/2/14
Ground Foil Dec 6th 2013, 22:04 4 5,627 on 9/12/13

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A Fluke? KF5ZBH on 5/2/14
Thank you both for answering.
I’m very new to this hobby and I have lots to learn.
Rob, I forgot about the sun activity! I will check into that site. Lots to learn…with so little time!
Martin, I did try to call but no answer. I figured I could hear them but possibly they could not hear me. My little hand held has a 14” antenna so that may be a problem. Until that day, we have not heard that much activity that far away (even locally). The repeaters that seem to have a strong signal on my handheld are about 35 miles west and the other one is about the same distance to the east of my location, with that said, I have not heard many locals. Tried to figure out if it were the “time” issue, as that maybe a huge factor. Off and on during the day and in the evening. Really need to join a local club, however, that’s something that might be well down the line for me as I am a caregiver to my elderly mother which can not be left alone. The only clubs in my area are those that are about 45 minutes away and held in the evening time. This is the reason this forum is so important for me, as I have no other people in my close area that is interested in ham radio. I have purchased a ICOM 7200 and am waiting on my 43’ vertical antenna (it’s on backorder). It’s taken so much thought to decide “where” the radio will reside and to slowly collect the necessary basic supplies. Hope later on I will be able to make my FIRST contact and place it in my log book!
Until that time, dumb questions will be asked from me. I just appreciate everyone’s patience!
73 to you both
A Fluke? KF5ZBH on 4/2/14
About three days ago, I turned on my little Baofeng UV-5RA to do my search for any activity.
I found a strong signal on frequency 147.565 at around 7:30 pm (central time). After listening for a couple of hours, I found the group of ham's were from the central portion of California. The signal came in crystal clear!
The next day, I took my Baofeng down so that my husband could listen (we haven’t heard that much, if any activity since my purchase of this little radio). While drinking our coffee, we over heard a man from UK speaking with someone in Japan. That was so encouraging. I wrote down some interesting ideas on antennas that was discussed.
Now, there’s no activity to speak of.
My question : Was this a fluke?
I tried to research how far these little hand held’s can reach and most of the information varied from 2 miles to 100 miles depending upon the terrain. If the terrain is a factor, I should not have had such a strong signal as we are in East Texas with loads of pine and rolling hills.
BTW, KG6POZ, I was encouraged in hearing another woman ham operator and I hope you enjoy your vacation to Jamaica!
Thanks for any comments in trying to understand this event.
Ground Foil KF5ZBH on 9/12/13
Thank you so much!
Ground Foil KF5ZBH on 6/12/13
I'm a newbie to the Ham Radio hobby.
At this moment, I'm in the process of "gathering" and "reading" on what I would need to ground my radio. Do I apply both copper foil in addition to copper wire?
I just purchased an ICOM 7200. Well above my head but I have to start out learning somewhere.
Perhaps someone could direct me to past articles written on this subject. I'm like a child...I also need pictures! I have tried to locate the process on YouTube to show the whole process but had no success.
Articles on ARRL? YouTube?
With kind regards,

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