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ICS AUXCOMM vs. ARES and others KJ4ZIH on 25/5/16
I understand that some hams with lots of experience in ARES (ARRL) and amateur radio EmComm in general feel their experience is discounted. However, I do not agree. Remember, there are a lot of hams who don't want to have anything to do with ARRL but still want to serve their community. I don't see AuxComm as anti-ARRL or anti-ARES. From my point of view, AuxComm takes this experience and focuses that experience into the ICS framework.

I have been involved in public service and emergency communications for decades. I just completed AuxComm and found it to be valuable training. Without ICS 100, 200, 700, 800 and now AuxComm, I would not have any inkling of an understanding of how Incident management works and would feel lost, even with all my experience. The 100, 200, 700, 800 courses do not cover the specifics of auxiliary communications used in an incident. They do, however, lay the groundwork for understanding ICS. AuxComm training digs into the specifics of providing ham radio communications for an incident and a better understanding of COML. I don't have a desire to be a COML but now I feel I can be more valuable in the communications framework of ICS. OJT alone won't always cut it an may in fact have you hindering an operation This training is coupled with OJT is a positive.

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