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Chinese "Weather" Balloon Currently Over N. Kansas Transmission Frequency(ies)? Feb 3rd 2023, 15:50 1 4,017 on 3/2/23
'T' or 'F' - "If you hear 'em you can work 'em" Jun 7th 2022, 02:30 6 5,076 on 14/7/22
Qs on Forums Settings - Thx..... Jan 31st 2021, 08:05 1 5,956 on 31/1/21
'Random Wire Receiving Antennas' - Gen'l Question... Aug 14th 2015, 17:08 3 7,465 on 17/8/15
Q on dBi, dBd & dB(nothing) vendor data? Nov 20th 2014, 20:31 2 6,886 on 21/11/14
Drone aka UAV to put up stationary antenna? Aug 12th 2014, 21:57 9 9,890 on 23/12/17
If I am Tx'ing a VHF GrndWave of how much value is a Beam Antenna? Jan 6th 2014, 16:54 4 7,363 on 14/1/14
Impedance per current General Manual p.6-6/fig.6-5 ? Nov 13th 2013, 16:48 1 7,398 on 13/11/13
Why is 72 Ohm Impedance center feed point desireable? Oct 2nd 2013, 21:10 3 7,597 on 3/10/13
Impedance Matching HF Aug 1st 2013, 22:18 3 8,963 on 3/8/13

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Chinese "Weather" Balloon Currently Over N. Kansas Transmission Frequency(ies)? xof7fox on 3/2/23
Anyone know what transmit frequency(ies) the Chinese "weather" balloon over n. Kansas at this time is employing?
'T' or 'F' - "If you hear 'em you can work 'em" xof7fox on 14/7/22
Thanks Zak. Confirming receipt. ~ Fred.
'T' or 'F' - "If you hear 'em you can work 'em" xof7fox on 14/7/22
W1VT - Still hoping to hear from you.
'T' or 'F' - "If you hear 'em you can work 'em" xof7fox on 14/6/22
W1VT ~ Thank you. Would you say that, therefore, "1." is generally not necessarily True, and that "2." generally is True?
'T' or 'F' - "If you hear 'em you can work 'em" xof7fox on 7/6/22
I hear with some frequency, what to me seems to be opposing 'true-isms,' and would like help with how can both be true?
Thank you in advance for your time and your thoughts....
What I am calling the common 'true-ism' are as follows:
1. "If you can hear 'em you can work 'em."
2. "It is much easier (i.e., requires much less 'power.') to hear than it does to successfully broadcast."
Regarding "1.," there are many times on VHF using an HT that I can hear repeaters or simplex and I simply lack the power to "work 'em." Same with HF (though, repeaters are seldom 'part of the mix.' : ).
Again, thx,
Fred. K4XXK.

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