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Using FMT techniques in QST article Jan 1st 2018, 14:00 1 7,022 on 1/1/18
AM broadcast on 80 meters? Oct 12th 2017, 09:18 3 9,074 on 23/12/17
antenna close to metal roof: effects? Jan 9th 2017, 14:52 3 7,006 on 9/1/17
Window line impedance Feb 4th 2016, 16:53 1 6,303 on 4/2/16
CW ID necessary? May 14th 2015, 14:32 2 8,176 on 14/7/15
SWR and metal roof Mar 15th 2015, 23:47 6 9,230 on 17/3/15
Twin Lead and metal mast? Oct 31st 2014, 16:12 2 6,591 on 31/10/14
Dipole or loop? Aug 19th 2014, 03:02 11 10,276 on 5/9/14
dBmicrowatts? Jul 16th 2014, 19:51 3 6,583 on 17/7/14
Dipole crossing vertical? May 2nd 2014, 00:01 3 6,799 on 5/5/14

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Using FMT techniques in QST article KO0Y on 1/1/18
In April of last year there was an article discussing frequency measuring techniques. One of these involved using a GPSDO and divider to generate a precise 1 kHz signal, then using Spectrum Lab to compare that with the radio-received signal. Unfortunately, the article didn't go into detail about this comparison.

I have the hardware needed for this, an Anan 200D radio, and a copy of Spec Lab. I would like to get some help on how the 1 kHz signal is injected (a whip antenna is shown), and compared within Spec Lab. I've tried to email the author directly, but without success. thanks for help.

Buck ko0y
AM broadcast on 80 meters? KO0Y on 12/10/17
On a 80 meter frequency used by one of our ARES net, I am hearing an AM signal that sounds like a broadcast station. Can interference from AM MW reach that high, and would a high-pass filter with cut-off of 1700 Hz help? Thanks.
antenna close to metal roof: effects? KO0Y on 9/1/17
Thanks, Zack; that page is helpful. I'm going to try it fastened to the eave, as being more secure and closer to my shack. We are getting a capful of wind today, enough to blow semi-trucks over down on I-25. My current mast is guyed in three places and is swaying a bit, but so far standing. I lost our doormat, however, blown down the mountain apparently.
antenna close to metal roof: effects? KO0Y on 9/1/17
I am planning to put up a 3-wire terminated folded dipole and have a question about placement. I have a mast made of aluminum sections with a total height of up to 45 feet. I would like to fasten the lower sections to my roof at the eaves, guy the sections above, and run the antenna as an inverted-vee from the mast head with an angle between the legs of around 90 degrees. The center of the antenna would be about 38 feet above the eave (34 feet above the peak which is 14 feet away horizontally) and the antenna would run about five feet from the corner of the roofline as it descended toward the ground. The ends of the antenna would terminate about 13 feet above the ground, being fastened to trees or stakes with rope. I hope this makes sense.

The thing is, I have a metal roof, the kind that consists of curved pieces that look and feel like stone-coated tiles, and I wonder what if any effect this would have on the antenna’s performance. The antenna would not be above the roof, but rather parallel to it.

I could site the mast farther from the house and guy it to the ground, but fastening it to the roof would be much more secure. Is the close presence of a metal roof likely to degrade the antenna’s performance, or change its impedance? If so, how far away from the roof should I place the mast to avoid any degradation? Thanks for your input.
Window line impedance KO0Y on 4/2/16
I have a long non-resonant dipole fed with 300 ohm twin line. I want to construct my own feed line using 14 gauge stranded wire. I could set the distance between the conductors from one inch to three inches, using spreaders I have. Measured at the 1:1 balun, impedance of the current feed line and antenna ranges from 20 to 1200 ohms (4-10 MHz), with most points below 800 ohms. What would be the ideal distance between the conductors for the new line? Thanks for any help.

Buck ko0y

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