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TravelPlus import problems Mar 9th 2012, 02:30 1 6,460 on 9/3/12

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TravelPlus import problems 2000733948H80 on 9/3/12

I have version 15 of the TravelPlus software. I can create a repeater list with no difficulty. I can import it into my Kenwood TM-V71A using Kenwood's MCP-2A software (Ver. 3.20). Unfortunately, whenever I import the channels all my configuration settings get reset to the default. I was under the impression I could import just the memory channels, but so far when I do so all my other configuration settings get reset. Has anyone else encountered this problem? Is there some setting I need to make in the Kenwood software to prevent this? Any suggestions gratefully received.

Bill Taffe - KB1WJK

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