Hello everyone, I am just starting to learn CW after working HF & 2Meter Voice for a few years now. I picked up a Bencher BY-2 in excellent condition at a Ham's yardsale recently. I am right handed so I understand the concept of how the Keyer is wired with the "Dit" being made by the operator's right thumb and the "Dah" being made by the right index finger. Then, after sending, I would have to come off the keyer, pick up pen or pencil and start writing down what I'm hearing, then put the pen down, and start sending CW again--over and over. I am quite adept at using my left hand for fine motor skill jobs through various jobs I have held over the years, so I was wondering, how many Right Handed CW operators use their Left hand for Iambic keying? Do people keep the current wiring configuration of the keyer and use the Left index finger for the "Dit" and the Left thumb for the "Dah" or did you switch the keyer wiring so that the "Dit" is made with the right side paddle by using your Left thumb and making the "Dah" symbol from the left side paddle with your Left index finger--thereby keeping the traditional "make the "Dit" with your thumb" mantra alive & well. All opinions are welcome!!! To me, it "feels" better to use my left hand to key; it's just figuring out whether to reverse the keyer wiring for "dits" and "dahs" or not. Thank you very much. 73, Rich, W2RRK |