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Ham radio Deluxe software

Jan 7th, 17:55

Joined: Nov 9th 2023, 14:33
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I'm a fairly newly licensed ham, 15 months, general, KC1TRE. I purchased Ham radio deluxe 10 weeks ago and cannot get the software to log contacts on the logbook page. I have a yaesu 991A and a icom 7300 and neither radio will allow logging contacts. I have both radios connected to the laptop using the interface cables that were supplied with the respective rtsystems programming software. Both radios connect to HRD through those cables and respond to the laptop settings in MHz and other controls such as RF power, AF, mike gain etc. When I click on the logbook page I can enter the call sign and the contact's info comes up but wont allow me to enter the contact into the logbook. I had a HRD tech., (Kevin) work on the problem for over an hour Usng Team viewer (He was controlling my laptop) and he had no luck. Has anyone else experienced a similar problem and could possibly help me to solve this problem? I would be very greatful. Thanx, Pauly

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