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I’ve never used PayPal before

Dec 23rd, 05:35


Joined: Apr 23rd, 09:50
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Planning to buy some items from an overseas seller, but I’ve heard stories about people losing their money in international transactions. I’ve never used PayPal before, but I’ve seen it recommended as a secure payment method. I’m curious if it’s really as reliable as people say, and how it protects buyers from losing their funds.
Dec 23rd, 05:52

Joined: Apr 23rd, 10:00
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Hello! International transactions can often be difficult, and every user can face the risk of losing their funds! To prevent this from happening, everyone can use the PayPal payment service, which guarantees that all customer funds are reliably protected and are completely safe. For those who have never used PayPal, it will be useful to read here and maybe someone will decide to make payments using their reliable tools.

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